Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday
3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
We inform you that, on the occasion of the Easter holidays of 2025, the Library's opening hours from April 14 to 21, both inclusive, will be from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The Library will be closed on April 18 and 21.
Passeig de Sant Joan, 26
08010 Barcelona
(+34) 93 256 59 50
Metro L1 Arc de Triomf, L2 Tetuan
Tren R1, R3 i R4 Arc de Triomf
Bus 50, V19, 19, B20, B25, 6, 7, 54, 62
Nearby Bicing stations and bicycle stands Check the map
Accessible to wheelchair users.
A double-door elevator is available in the Arús Library premises.
Dijous, 13 de febrer de 2025 | 18.30 a 20 h
Dijous, 13 de febrer de 2025 | de 19 a 20 h
Dissabte, 15 de febrer de 2025 | Diferents horaris
Dissabte, 15 de febrer de 2025 | de 18 a 19.30 h
Dimarts, 18 de febrer de 2025 | 17 a 18 h
This initiative stems from the need of preserving some of our most valuable documents, be it due to their rarity, importance or fragility. Six of these documents have been selected and will be digitalized as soon as the goal is met, so that they can be accessed and spread without bounds. If you would like to sponsor one of our treasures, you can do so by filling the sponsorship form and donate anything from 10€.
Mission acomplished. Thank you very much to all of you who have participated. Soon, the Library will contact the sponsors of the documents.
Rossini, Gioacchino
Rossini’s last opera. It premiered in 1829 in Paris, and became widely successful, a source of inspiration for opera composers for years to come.
Digitalization cost: 90,86 €
Mission acomplished. Thank you!
Llunas, Josep
Original 1882 first edition of a vastly influential philosophic and social study. Which warranted a second printing only a year later. It features assays about anarchy, family and politics.
Digitalization cost: 50,38 €
Mission acomplished. Thank you!
Would you like to become a member of the library? The Arús Library Reader Card will allow you to fully enjoy all the library’s services, get discounts in our products and an automatic subscription to our newsletter.
The Card membership expires in three years. The same conditions apply for renovation.
La Biblioteca estarà tancada per vacances des de l’1 al 31 d’Agost inclusivament.
La Biblioteca estará cerrada por vacaciones desde el 1 al 31 de Agosto inclusive.
The Library will be closed for holidays from 1 to 31 August inclusive.