BPA’s reading room seating capacity are 24 users, to whom all books and documents of the collection are made available for on-site study.
BPA personnel will provide information about the collection and support on their research of specific titles. The information might also be provided by phone, email or post. However, this service does not extend to help in doing actual research.
Usage of the Reading Room is subjected to the Library’s Terms and Conditions.
BPA membership grants the right to keep books and documents in reserve in the Reading Room, thus easing access to research materials across consecutive or otherwise days. Just ask the library staff for the service.
Usage of the Reading Room is subjected to the Library’s Terms and Conditions.
BPA personnel will provide information about the collection and support on their research of specific titles. The information might also be provided by phone, email or post. However, this service does not extend to help in doing actual research.
Usage of the Reading Room is subjected to the Library’s Terms and Conditions.
BPA offers document reproduction in several formats (paper, digital image, picture), subjected to the limitations the document in question might pose, such as size, age, conservation state, copyright, etc.
There are also a b/w and color copy machine, digital scanner and a microform reader.
Usage of the Reading Room is subjected to the Library’s Terms and Conditions.
BPA loaning services are strictly limited to institutional requests, with the sole purpose to be featured in temporary exhibitions
All applications must be submitted via email at biblioteca.arus.administracio@
La Biblioteca estarà tancada per vacances des de l’1 al 31 d’Agost inclusivament.
La Biblioteca estará cerrada por vacaciones desde el 1 al 31 de Agosto inclusive.
The Library will be closed for holidays from 1 to 31 August inclusive.