
Since its inception, the Arús Public Library featured an exhibition room where the most precious treasures of the fund could be displayed. It hosted priceless volumes from the 15th century, later examples of the evolution of print, and many other items that caught the public’s eye. Nowadays, the very same desire to educate, inform and entertain drives the Library to host several exhibitions per year, often connected with its areas of expertise.

List of exhibitions

Moriarty vs Sherlock Holmes

Amb motiu de la BCN Negra, la Bibliotea Pública Arús ofereix una exposició dedicada a un dels personatges més rellevants del cànon holmesià, així com un dels genis del mal més fascinants de la literatura: el Professor Moriarty.

La Biblioteca estarà tancada per vacances des de l’1 al 31 d’Agost inclusivament.
La Biblioteca estará cerrada por vacaciones desde el 1 al 31 de Agosto inclusive.
The Library will be closed for holidays from 1 to 31 August inclusive.